En Loma Properties, comprendemos las complejidades del mercado inmobiliario y de construcción en EE.UU., por lo que hemos formado alianzas estratégicas para ofrecer una experiencia única y transparente a nuestros inversionistas. Nuestro portafolio incluye propiedades residenciales, comerciales y proyectos de uso mixto, con cada oportunidad cuidadosamente seleccionada para asegurar rentabilidad y certeza legal. Descubre hoy nuestro portafolio y desbloquea el potencial de inversiones premium con Loma Properties.
At Loma Properties, we understand the complexities of the U.S. real estate and construction markets, for that reason we’ve formed strategic alliances to offer our investors an unparalleled experience and transparency. Our portfolio includes residential, commercial, and mixed-use properties, with each opportunity carefully selected to ensure profitability and legal certainty. Explore our portfolio today and unlock the potential of premium real estate investments with Loma Properties
We implementing design strategies that increase the market value, and positively impact the user experience in the environment. For more information visit:
Focus on responsible construction and awareness of the optimization of resources and job timeframes. For more information visit our page www.lomaecobuilding.com
We establish alliances with manufacturers, and take advantage of the labour capacity and expertise of our Latin community, promoting fair employment conditions. Developing strategies to connect Human Capital with stable and fair job opportunites.
We offer a comprehensive service for the management of your properties, from advice within the legal framework of the United States, as well as through the alliances we have with Real Estate Agents for the promotion, sale and rental of your property. We manage your real estate without you having to worry about damages or maintenance of your property.
Part of the group's income is allocated to programs that strengthen the positive development of Hispanic communities in the United States, through education programs, job training and through our Refugio project.
Our goal is to encourage and inspire Latinos to increase their social and cultural capital and achieve the well-being they seek in the United States.
We are aware of the use of natural resources, and the impact generated by construction.
The use of our blueprint generates a virtuous circle that transforms it into respect for the environment and more sustainable projects.
General Contractor
High Performance Architectural Finishes
Portfolio USA